There is this wonderful organization called The Rising Tide Society, whose mission is to bring together creatives from all over and make waves together. Being able to join in such a large community and make new connections wherever you go is so rewarding.
Recently, I visited Tucson, Arizona with one of my good friends who mainly wanted to go to attend the international gem show. My friend, Liz, is an energy healer and was on the hunt for crystals she could add to her practice. She was on the hunt for crystals and I was on the hunt for photo opportunities. I reached out to join the Tucson Arizona Tuesdays Together group in hopes of getting to photograph people while I was in Arizona.
The leader of the Tucson group, Jenny, kindly responded and volunteered herself and her husband, Trevor. After getting to chat with Jenny and learn more about her, I got to learn that she just wrote a book! Yes, she is an author of the “Tell It Well” book. How amazing! This book is about how to discover, own and share your story well. A message that is great for all of us artists who are trapped in what Jenny relates to as the “fog” which is a place I know we have all been!
Not only being in the presence of such a wonderful business lady but being in a breathtaking location for their session left me speechless! I was so distracted at the beauty of this couple and all of the giant cacti that I didn’t pay attention to the ground, where there was a little balled spike waiting to puncture me. Leave it to me to step on a cactus while in Arizona. I’m honestly not surprised but the opportunity was SO WORTH IT!
Jenny and Trevor, it was such a delight meeting you and getting to photograph you in your temporary home!
For those of you who have ever been in a fog or need to find a new spark, I highly recommend reading Jenny’s book, Tell It Well! You can learn more here >