How HoneyBook Changed My Business A Personal Story

How HoneyBook Changed My Business A Personal Story

I was just starting to book more wedding clients when I began to have this overwhelming feeling as if I was not providing enough to my clients. I was taking the time out of their busy work schedule and hectic wedding planning life to meet me at a local coffee shop to...
3 Reasons False Eyelashes Enhance Your Photos

3 Reasons False Eyelashes Enhance Your Photos

False lashes, to wear or not to wear? That is the question. Emily Hurlock, a licensed cosmetologist located in Easton, Maryland, shares with usย WHYย false lashes are amazing for your photos and also herย FAVORITEย brands of false lashes to use! In this post we will be...
8 Things You Need To Know About Second Shooting

8 Things You Need To Know About Second Shooting

Second shooting or assisting anyone in the same creative field can be one of the most magical and beneficialย learning experiences! I shot my first wedding independently, then shot four more weddings with an assistant. Crazy to think about now that I look back at it!...
The Event with Justin & Mary Marantz

The Event with Justin & Mary Marantz

Oh. My. Goodness. Yes the pauses in that sentence were completely necessary! The Event was AMAZING!! Not only getting to see these phenomenal photographers outside of their pretty Instagram squares was encouraging enough on it’s ownย but getting to soak in all...